

The symbol of
youthfulness and purity,

Is the first traditonal Korean herbal cosmetic brand that inherits the wisdom of our ancestors.
With the wisdom of our forebears and doori's own techniques, we promote the nourishment of masterfuly extracted herbal ingredients.
Our aim is to complete 'healthy beauty'

As a traditional herbal brand, DAENG GI MEO RI completes 'healthy beauty' by delivering the nourishment of meticulously crafted herbal extracts through proprietary techniques

"DAENG GI MEO RI by DOORICOSMETICS stands as a symbol of youthfulness and purity, representing Korea's first traditional herbal hair care brand, inheriting the wisdom of our ancestors. Born with the philosophy of realizing 'healthy beauty,' this brand applies traditional methods with proprietary techniques, incorporating herbal extracts into hair care to achieve a naturally derived abundance of nutrients.